Installation instructions

To install lsstdesc-diffsky into an existing environment with conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge lsstdesc-diffsky

You can alternatively install with pip. To do so starting from a base environment of jax managed by conda-forge:

$ conda create -c conda-forge -n diffsky_env python=3.9 numpy jax pytest ipython jupyter matplotlib scipy h5py
$ conda activate diffsky_env
$ pip install lsstdesc-diffsky

Managing dependencies

The above commands will install all the latest releases of the diffsky dependency chain. This includes numpy and jax, and also a collection of libraries implementing the differentiable modeling ingredients: Diffmah, Diffstar, DSPS, and Diffsky.

Depending on your analysis, you may need to install a specific branch of lsstdesc-diffsky and/one of its dependencies. You can do this by cloning the GitHub repo of the code for which you need a custom version, checking out the appropriate version, and running:

$ pip install . --no-deps